? ??????????????Friends Bring Out My Best? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 5.0 (1 Rating)??0 Grabs Today. 54 Total
Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ?????Raspberry Circles? ????? ?????? ???Rating: 0.0 (0 Ratings)??0 Grabs Today. 39 Total Grabs. ??????Get the Code?? ?? ???????????? ????Easy Install Instructions: CLICK HERE FOR BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND MYSPACE LAYOUTS ?


It's a feeling...

Hey all...Just dropping in and saying HI! I had a great time at AC24 and look forward to keeping in touch. I hope to see you at the POW WOW in Provo on October 18th! Hugs to all...


Leave No Trace

I am going to LNT Training Course in October has anyone very been to this training before. I am very excited about going because I have two boys that working on it and should earn them either in October or November and have one that already has earned his award. I have a question if any one can answer it blog it or email me the answer. We received card on LNT Pledge while we were in AC-24 I was wounder where they picked them up to give to us I've been looking for them and haven't found them yet. thanks Julie P.



Happy Fall 2 all,

If you know of any AC24 ers that cannot sign up to blog with us tell them 2 email me. I will reinvite them because it closed out the one's who did not sign up within 30 days. I am still working on completeing my treaty items. One of mine was 2 start a community pack in lil ole Delta. I have spoke with Burt Harvey-our district exec. Now I just need the Lions Club 2 have a formal meeting so I can approach them 2 be a sponsor. I have a dozen blue shirts waiting for the new arrivials when this all gets up and going. Keeping my scouting passion alive...thanks 2 all at AC24..........


Yeah! I am coming to Pow Wow

I am so excited to come to Pow Wow. I will also attend our local area one the next weekend but it is much smaller. Things have been going so well since I came to AC24. I am excited so the boys are excited. All 13 of them have been coming regularly and we have 3 earning their bear in the next two months. I finally go an asst. Den leader and just got a den chief. It pays to be sleeping with the Asst. Scoutmaster( my DH).;) I have already have presented about Akela's Council at 2 Round Table meetings. Julie and I are going to teach the Bear/Wolf Leader class at the next one.

Hope you all are still fired up and hope to see you at Pow Wow.
Paiutes -Scatter Sunshine!!!!


Pow Wow

I have not received any information about the Pow Wow on the 18th. They ar ehaving one out here on the 25th but I wanted to attend the one in Provo. Am I too late?